We make buying a home easy for you.

We promise you:

An expert at your service.

We’ll support you throughout the whole buying process, so you don’t have to go it alone. It’s always worth asking! Because there are no stupid questions. We will find the answer to all your questions on the way to the home of your dreams.

The best home.

Satisfaction with your choice increases when you know you’re getting a good deal. We know the obligations and rights of all parties involved in the transaction, and we are familiar with both the legislation governing the housing market and Good Arbitration Practice.

Lower risks.

Many homebuyers, whether they are buying their first home or even their fourth, can easily miss out on many essential things about the home they are buying. We’ll make sure you have all the information you need to support your decision.

Finally, we will help you from making the purchase offer to checking the documents related to the transaction. So you can sign the deed to one of the biggest investments of your life with confidence.

Our customers' message:

Excellent service for the home buyer

When I was looking to buy my first home last year, I felt that I needed someone who could check the property’s features, such as price and fee levels, renovations that had been done and were in the pipeline, and especially the financial situation of the housing company. This is exactly what OUN offered. Just hours after contacting them, I received a detailed report on the condominium and then we discussed it over the phone. In particular, it would have been almost impossible for me to assess the situation of the housing company with just the papers: the report explained it simply. OUN also helped me during the transaction by checking the papers provided by the broker, and it felt really good to know that a professional was there to support me through the whole process. I warmly recommend OUN.

Davide Giurisato, 04/2023

OUN provided invaluable assistance...

OUN provided invaluable assistance during our search for and purchase of our first apartment. As expats unfamiliar with the intricacies of the Finnish real estate sector, we relied heavily on their expertise to guide us through the process. The OUN team went above and beyond in explaining all the important details and answering all our questions, which allowed us to make a well-informed decision. Now, two years later, we are still delighted with our purchase and are grateful to OUN for their outstanding service.

Vlad Ihlinskyi, 05/2023

A great service for first-time home buyers!

Henri helped us with the two sites we found. In the first case, with Oun’s help, we avoided a risky trade. The second was a dream-come-true, but I was hesitant to buy. Oun had us covered and we dared to trade. With Henri’s guidance, we got the documents, the offer and finally the deed of sale checked and signed. We warmly recommend the Oun service!

Viljami Peltola, 09/2023

What is OUN®?
Asuntokaupassa paperit ovat tärkeitä. Niistä käy ilmi, missä kunnossa asunto-osakeyhtiö on ja miten taloyhtiö on omaisuudestaan pitänyt huolta.
OUN® brings balance to the housing market.

A small group of people, ranging from recent first-time home buyers to those who had already bought several homes and those with licensed realtor qualifications who had followed the housing market “from the inside”, said that the whole culture of the housing market needed to be reformed. In the big world, both the seller and the buyer have their own representative. In here we don’t. We believe that in Finland, too, the buyer should have the possibility to be assisted by a professional.

In Finland, the sale of residential property and real estate is regulated by several different laws and the industry’s internal code of conduct, the Good Arbitration Practice. Of course, professional estate agents and quality agencies know all of these, but very few home buyers do. According to our customer survey, up to 79% of those considering buying a home found it difficult to go through the housing company’s documents and only 5% of first-time buyers felt they didn’t need any help. So we interpreted that the buyer is very often severely behind in terms of skills, and that’s why we wanted to develop a solution to balance the situation.

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Taloyhtiön talous

Luemme huolellisesti läpi taloyhtiön tasekirjan ja toimintakertomuksen, laskemme niistä saatujen tietojen perusteella esimerkiksi yhtiön velkaantumisasteen, maksuvalmiuden ja arvioimme taloustilanteen kokonaisuutena. Kokoamme havainnoistamme selkokielisen raportin, jonka avulla saat kuvan yhtiön tilanteesta.


Tutkimme, milloin ja millaisia toimenpiteitä yhtiössä on toteutettu ja peilaamme niitä kunkin asian teknisiin käyttöikiin. Käytämme esimerkiksi Rakennustietosäätiö RTS:n ja LVI-Keskusliiton määritelmiä. Näin saamme arvioitua, onko yhtiöllä korjausvelkaa.

Tulevat korjaushankkeet

Arvioimme, millaisia korjaushankkeita taloyhtiössä on lähitulevaisuudessa odotettavissa ja millaisella aikataululla niiden voidaan olettaa tulevan vastaan.  Saatammepa heittää myös jonkinlaisen arvauksen oletetuista kustannuksista!

Taloyhtiön hallinto

Tutkimme, miten yhtiön hallinto on onnistunut tehtävässään, käsittäen niin isännöinnin kuin hallituksenkin. Onko hallinto ollut ainoastaan huolehtimassa siitä, että säästetään joka kohdassa vai siitä, että yhtiö pysyy kunnossa ja sen arvo säilyy tai peräti kasvaa. 

Alueen kaavoitus

Selvitämme, onko alueen kaavoituksessa jotain muutoksia muhimassa, vai onko kenties se kalliilla ostamasi merinäköala vuoden päästä katoamassa uuden rakennettavan tornitalon taakse. Tai onko joitain hieman vähemmän radikaaleja asioita tapahtumassa harkitsemasi kohteen ympäristössä.


Arvioimme, millaiselle tasolle yhtiön perimä hoitovastike asettuu muihin alueen vertailukelpoisiin taloyhtiöihin verrattuna. Kurkkaamme myös, onko taso ollut oikea kustannuksiin nähden ja onko siinä selkeitä nostopaineita.


Ja siis nimenomaan kauppahinta, ei myyntihinta. Huomioimme myös mahdollisen yhtiövelan sekä tonttiosuuden. Vertaamme hintaa muihin alueen vertailukelpoisiin toteutuneisiin kauppahintoihin, emme hintapyyntöihin. Asunnot ovat aina yksilöitä, joiden varustus ja kunto vaihtelevat suuresti. Saamme kuitenkin selville, onko hinta oikealla hehtaarilla.


Olemme apunasi tarjousneuvotteluissa. Kerromme, mihin kannattaa kiinnittää huomiota, mitä kannattaa myyjältä/välittäjältä kysyä ja miten saatuja vastauksia olisi hyvä tulkita. Ja minkälaisia johtopäätöksiä tilanteesta voi tehdä

Ostotarjouksen laatiminen

Ostotarjoukseen liittyy myös muutakin, kuin tarjottava hinta. Me autamme kriittisten asioiden määrittämisessä sekä tarkastamme, että ostotarjoukseen on myös kirjattu kaikki sovitut asiat asianmukaisesti. Ja vain sovitut asiat. Jotta sinä voit allekirjoittaa sen turvallisin mielin.

Kaupan asiakirjat

Vaikka asunto-osakkeen kauppakirja onkin vapaamuotoinen, on siitä kuitenkin syytä löytyä kaikki olennaiset asiat. Me tarkastamme, että näin on. Tarkastamme myös kaikki kauppakirjan kyljessä kulkevat liitteet, eli koko asiakirjanipun. Sinä voit sitten hengittää hieman rauhallisemmin, kun olet allekirjoittamassa kauppakirjaa uudesta kodistasi.

Yksi raportti

Asuntokauppaan liittyy melko runsaasti erilaisia dokumentteja aina myyntiesitteestä pohjapiirroksen kautta tilintarkastuskertomukseen. Kaikki ovat tarpeellisia arvioinnin kannalta, mutta olennaiset asiat on kuitenkin mahdollista tiivistää selkokieliseksi yhdeksi ainoaksi raportiksi. Kapulakieli syrjään ja faktat ydellä (1) raportilla!   

Pakko paukutella henkseleitä, ...

…koska meillä on ollut tapana toimittaa tilatut palvelut nopeasti, usein puhutaan vain tunneista. Ymmärrämme, että ostopaine toiveiden kodin löydyttyä on kova, ja siksi lupaamme toimituksen viimeistään 24 tunnin sisällä tilauksesta. Viimeistään. Näin ei sinun tarvitse pidätellä hengitystä ostohousut jalassasi tarpeettoman pitkään.

Housing company finances

We carefully read through the company’s balance sheet and annual report, calculate the company’s indebtedness, liquidity and assess the overall financial situation. We compile our findings into a plain-language report that gives you an overview of the company’s situation.

Repair history

We look at when and what measures have been taken in the company and mirror them against the technical lifetime of each item. For example, we use the definitions of the Finnish Building Information Foundation RTS and the Central Association of Plumbing and Heating. This allows us to estimate whether the company has a repair debt.

Future renovation projects

We assess what kind of renovation projects are expected in the near future and the timeframe in which they can be expected to take place.  We might also throw in some guesses as to the expected costs!

Management of the housing company

We look at how the management of the company has performed, including both the management and the board. Has the management been concerned only with making savings at every point or with keeping the company in good shape and maintaining or even increasing its value? 

Zoning of the area

We’ll find out if there are any zoning changes afoot, or if that sea view you bought at great cost is about to disappear behind a new tower block in a year’s time. Or whether there are some less radical things happening around the place you are considering.

Level of care

We estimate the level of the management fee charged by the company compared to other comparable housing companies in the area. We also look at whether the level has been right for the costs and whether there are clear upward pressures.

Sales price

And by that we mean the final price. We also take into account any company debt and the plot share. We compare the price to other comparable realised transaction prices in the area, not to asking prices. Apartments are always individual, and their equipment and condition vary greatly. However, we will find out if the price area is reasonable and acceptable.

Negotiated bidding

We are here to help you negotiate your offer. We tell you what to look out for, what to ask the seller/agent and how to interpret the answers. And what conclusions can be drawn from the situation

Making a takeover bid

There is more to a takeover bid than just the price offered. We will help you to identify critical issues and check that all the agreed issues are properly recorded in the offer. And only the agreed things. So that you can sign it with confidence.

Trade documents

Even if the deed of sale of a residential property is a free-form deed, it should still contain all the essential information. We will check that this is the case. We will also check all the annexes that go on the side of the deed, i.e. the entire bundle of documents. You can then breathe a little easier as you sign the deed to your new home.

One report

There are quite a lot of different documents involved in a housing transaction, ranging from a sales brochure to a floor plan to an audit report. All are necessary for the evaluation, but it is still possible to summarise the essentials in plain language in a single report. Good riddance to the legalese and welcome the core facts with one (1) single report!

Forced to bang your brains out, ...

…because we have a history of delivering ordered services quickly, often talking about hours. We understand that the pressure to buy once you find the home of your dreams is intense, which is why we promise delivery within 24 hours of your order. At the latest. This way, you don’t have to hold your breath in your shopping pants for an unnecessarily long time.